Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Too few words... too many tears

Yesterday my TSW friends had a lovely lunch to celebrate my retirement. It was surreal. There was Lori, one of my nearest and dearest friends talking about me and my fun career at TSW. She's known me the entire time. She has been my mentor and friend. Much of what I learned ( and I still have tons to learn) about being a leader I learned from her. She is fair and even handed. She does not wear emotions on her sleeve but she is full of love and kindness. We've grown in our spiritual lives together. I saw her marry, have sweet Cierra and then become a grandmother. You are lucky in life to find a friend like this. But you are doubly blessed when that person is your co-worker. I told my colleagues that there are not enough words to describe how I feel about leaving TSW. There are not enough words to tell many of them, including Lori, how much I love them and will miss them dearly. And when I think of those words, I cannot say them because when I open my mouth all that come out are sobs. A couple of times one of "the girls" has walked in to my slowly emptying office and I see a sad face.And I have to find a silly way to combat the tears.Humor is my crutch. If I laugh things off, I don't have to face the reality. And the reality is that I am leaving a place I love and my life will never be the same.And today, I am sad. Too few words... too many tears.

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