Sunday, April 15, 2012

I guess I really do get how far away it is....

This weekend has been full of fun and sadness all bunched together. We went to the Aylett Country Day School oyster roast and saw lots of old friends. Then this morning we were able to share about our ministry and call with the wonderfully warm people of Asbury UMC. Whenever we have the chance to talk about our ministry, it gets me so excited and anxious to be back in Kenya. In fact, at one point I referred to going home and meant Kenya... not the United States. I am ready to be back . I am ready to see my Kenyan friends and to serve. It is time.

But then, there are things like a note from my sister today that said Maggie, her youngest, and she were out gardening and out of the blue Maggie said " "I don't wan't summer to come because then Woozie will leave".  To that my sister added "I guess she does get how far away it is :0("

Africa is indeed a long way away. But Maggie and all of my nieces and nephew and everyone I love will be held tightly in my heart. And coming home to the US will be even sweeter than before. But that doesn't make it any easier to leave. This is Maggie and her Mama - my youngest sister PF.

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