Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gladys continued...

I have thought and prayed about whether or not I should share this video clip. I think  that while it was a very personal conversation between me and Mama Gladys, sharing it will help others to understand what it is like - the work that we do here.

Gladys is the lovely girl I have posted about before. Her mother is sweet and fairly young. Apparently, the Mama has some alcoho problems and doesn't always provide a safe place for Gladys to live.

When we asked Gladys if she would like to be a boarding student at Holy Trinity her eyes were filled with both happiness and sadness. I think that to say that she was overwhelmed put things in perspective. Laughter turned to tears very quickly.

Yesterday, the new boarding students ( including Gladys) came to the school to receive their uniforms and other items required to begin school. We spoke with each of their guardians to explain that this is a partnership. We only wish to help, not replace parents where children have them.

Glady's mother  Ann, was visibly upset . It was hard to tell if she was happy or sad. I believe she too was overwhelmed. She just kept saying God Bless you.

Peter, my brother, got the conversation I had with her on video. I was not aware that he was filming. This was a special conversation between me and Ann.  But I'd like to share, because I hope you will be able to follow the story of Gladys and Ann.

As Ann and I were finishing, Glady came in and found her mother crying.

We went to the dorm and settled Gladys in... please pray for Ann and for Gladys

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