Monday, July 16, 2012

Stepping out of my comfort zone

Most of you are fully aware of my fear of the dentist. Many of you share that fear. Dr. Tom ( our friend and dentist on this trip) and I had a long talk before we left the states about my fear. Dr.T is a wonderfully kind and loving man. I see it in all that he does. I see it in the entire Smith family.
On the first day of the dental clinic, a young girl was waiting to see Dr. Tom because of a tooth ache. She was a school girl. She had come to the dentist and needed to get back to school. When I took her hand, she was shaking and then I felt her chest and her heart was indeed pounding out of her chest.
And so, I took her  to the dentist chair and promised I would stay with her until it was all over.
I held her hand and she opened her mouth wide. So... I am not a dentist. I don't even like to see the "instruments of torture" but God had me right in the line of fire. When she opened her mouth , I saw half of a tooth and a bunch of black. My "diagnosis" was that what was left of that tooth was going to come out in pieces and it wasn't going to be pretty.
We had no idea how afraid she really was. Wingate, Tom's son, came in and held her other hand and eventually we did to hold her down. The tooth did eventually come out. But there were a lot of tears. Poor child was basically hyperventilating, so Wingate and I taught her out to breathe in and out slowly.
There were so many patients so she needed to get up and get moving. She was still crying. So I sat her up and hugged her a bit. Then she walked around the chair and I offered my chair to her so that she could collect herself. When I said would you like to sit in the chair.... she said yes, with you.
So I held that sweet little 13 year old girl until she caught her breathe. She left with a smile , two pens and a pack of gum for later. And I left with a sense  that my hands had indeed shown the love of God.


  1. Oh....bless your hearts to be by their side and bring comfort. You, of all people, knew how she feared him. Did he give her numbing medicine before he pulled the tooth???? OMGosh....God bless you and your friends doing his work. Love and miss you much!!!

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