Thursday, May 5, 2016


We call her Mama Grace.
Her given name is Jane. I don't even really know her surname.

In the early years, we met her only once or twice after her children became sponsored by us and some of our friends. As we started to spend more time here , we saw her a little more often. When there was a visiting day at school for parents, we would go and meet her there. We would make lots of food and she made nothing. She just came with all her children ( and there were many- about 5 total) and ate and got what she could. None of her children had the same father. She was a prostitute.

Fast forward 8 years. Esther and I started a bible study in our home for women. We started it with Mama Grace in mind. Since moving to the Githioro community we had been able to see her more often. When we would travel for visiting days, we would pick her up and she would help with making food for the children. She came to visit the house. She asked for a job in the shamba ( farm.) She was making a very good living as a prostitute and even admitted that it would be hard for her to give up sex  because she was honest enough to say she just liked it.

She was at the first bible study in our house a little more than a year ago. She has been coming faithfully. When we started our outreach program of visiting those who are sick or in need, she helped lead it. Today, she will help facilitate if Esther or I are not available.

Today, she came and told us that she has been living off the money she makes from the shamba only and has given up prostitution COMPLETELY. She went on to talk about how good she feels about herself.  She talked about how good it feels now not to do that.

And I cried and we thanked God.

When you live so far away from your family and all that is familiar to you, I think it natural to sometimes wonder why you came and if it really matters ( even though you surely actually know that it does)... and in those times, God has always sent proof of  obedience to His call.

8 years - one woman. ONE LIFE Changed by our God. He is AMAZING.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Susan-what a good story-and you are a good writer. Thank you for sharing. Yes, there will be many times that you will feel that you walk alone, but God is your constant companion, and champion. We feel so blessed to be part of your ministry. Love Nancy T
